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return emailReg.test($email); } var _getid_req = null; function CheckVisitor() { if (localStorage.getItem("_vg") == null || localStorage.getItem("_vg") == undefined) { //fetch and store _getid_req = $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: localStorage.getItem("__apiUrl") + 'visitor/getguid?url=' + window.location.href, dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function () { if (_getid_req != null) { _getid_req.abort(); } }, success: function (d) { localStorage.setItem("_vg", d); TrackVisit(); }, error: function (errormessage) { } }); } else TrackVisit(); } var _trackvisit_req = null; function TrackVisit() { var pv = { url: window.location.href, visitorId: localStorage.getItem("_vg") }; _trackvisit_req = $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: { pv }, url: localStorage.getItem("__apiUrl") + 'visitor/trackvisit', beforeSend: function () { if (_trackvisit_req != null) { _trackvisit_req.abort(); } }, success: function (d) { }, error: function (errormessage) { } }); }